Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Be Still

[Early winters morning Southsea Beach]

This morning I was driving down the beach really early and I had to stop for a moment because the view was absolutely breathtaking! I actually can't believe how blessed I am to live in such a beautiful city, right on the sea. And this is full blown winter, but it looks absolutely gorgeous.

I love everything about this photo. But, one of the things I love most about it is how big and powerful the ocean is, yet how calm and still it is. Only a Great and Mighty God can do that. And it reminded me that through all the seasons of life, the good the bad, the busy, the mundane, the dreams, God is big and powerful and we need to be still IN HIM. I don't necessarily mean literally sitting still and doing nothing [although sometimes that is needed as we often get too busy to think]. But having a heart after His, being at peace in the core of our being and just trusting Him. God is the One who fulfills our dreams, it's not about people giving us opportunity, or trying to make stuff happen ourselves, but as we live out our daily activities with a heart that is STILL and surrendered to His,  He will lead us and guide us into His perfect and good plan. As we rest and trust in Him and not in what we can do for Him, or what we can do to serve others, not that we shouldn't serve, serving is part of living the abundant life that God has for us. But our trust and confidence should be in WHOSE we are and not what we do. We need to know WHO HE IS. When we fully KNOW that, being still should come naturally.

"...BE STILL, and know (recognize and understand) that I am God..." [Psalm 46:10 AMP]. Love this verse! 

I'm so glad I stopped the car this morning and breathed in the beauty of that moment, I could have carried on and then I would have missed it.

Be still, there's things in our day that are there to bless us, but we are often so busy looking for them that we actually miss them.

To add an extra blessing to my day, I received a beautiful necklace in the mail that says "Be Still". I think God may be trying to tell me something :)

Thursday, 27 November 2014


"You can't set others free while you are still captive." Chris Caine

I recently read this quote by Christine Caine and loved it. It got me thinking about being free. I've always loved the fact that when we truly know God and live surrendered lives to His word, we can walk in complete freedom. But so often in life we go through seasons, we go through storms, abuse, betrayal, crisis, and stuff happens. Sometimes the things that happen to us can leave wounds so deep that we wonder if they will ever heal. But the truth is that Jesus wants us healed and whole, He doesn't want us walking around broken and defeated. His sacrifice on the cross paid for that. 

So why is it that when we know we are saved, and we believe the finished work of the cross, we walk around bound and defeated? We say we have a passion to see others receive freedom yet we are still messed up ourselves.

The bible tells us that "He was pierced for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities...and by His stripes we ARE healed."

So why do we still carry so much pain, heart ache, confusion and condemnation when He so freely took it all upon Himself, for us, at calvary?

Maybe it is because we have become comfortable in our pain? If we are not careful, we can let what has happened to us, define us. Sometimes when we experience a storm, a trauma, a crisis, a life defining time, we can be surrounded by grief, sorrow, and, sadness. The storm can overwhelm us and it is easy for us to become self focused, self absorbed and to build up a negative attitude towards others and the world around us.

I'm not by any means making light of what you have been through, I have had my own share of trauma and grief, I know what it is to be abused, to feel like the darkness of the world is suffocating me, to have people falsely accuse me and stab me in the back, I've been through sickness and pain, but, if we are to move on to fullness of life, and freedom, that Jesus offers us, we have to allow Him to lift us up out of our pain, to heal us, to set us free, completely. Personally, I think it is an insult to My Lord when I don't truly walk in the freedom and victory that He so freely, lovingly and graciously offers me.

Sometimes, without realizing it, we can try to hold on to our pain. It almost becomes a safety net, a comfort blanket. But, There comes a time when we need to let it go. And face the world again. And move on. We are stronger and better and wiser when we do.

I'm not saying to get 'just get over it'. There is a process to our pain and we have to go through that process and let our heart mend. But, what I am saying, is let's not give the rubbish that has happened to us, power over us. What God has done FOR us is way greater, powerful and stronger than what anyone has ever done TO us.

There is a time to weep and a time to laugh. Weeping may endure for the night (and the nights can feel so long, I've been there), BUT (don't you just love it when there's a but in the bible?) JOY, comes in the morning. Oh yes, joy DEFINATELY comes. And, it comes with more power than we've ever experienced before. The joy, after coming through the storm, is wonderful. When we look back and see what we've come through and how God proved Himself strong in us and around us, and through us. And how we are now safe and whole and free, the joy that brings is so liberating and fulfilling.

There are so many people in this world who need to know true freedom and victory in their lives. And I believe that God is raising up a company of people who refuse to live in defeat, who refuse to be victims, but who choose strength, who choose courage, who choose victory, who choose wholeness, who choose life. The world needs you, and me, to show them the finished work of the cross of Calvary through our lives. Lets be brave enough to let go of the lain, to face the future with excitement and expectancy, to see God turn every situation around for our good. 

My prayer for my own life is that I would be so free, whole and victorious, that I can truly help those who are captives. Christine Caine is right, "You can't set others free while you are still captive." 

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

....BUT Jesus!! :-)

I was abandoned BUT He stayed with me,
I was betrayed BUT He never forsook me
I was abused BUT He cared for me
I was rejected BUT He accepted me
I was falsely accused BUT He vindicated me
I was destroyed BUT He redeemed me 
I was destitute BUT He provided for me
I was mocked BUT He sang over me
I was despised BUT He chose me
I was hated BUT He loved me
I was tormented BUT He rescued me
I was broken BUT He healed me
I was lost BUT He found me
I was beaten down BUT He set my feet upon a rock
I was bound BUT He freed me
I was distraught BUT He gave me peace
I was trodden on BUT He made me victorious 
I was alone BUT He was with me
I was isolated BUT He stood beside me
I was at rock bottom BUT He lifted me up
I was disgraced BUT He honoured me
I was helpless BUT He helped me
I was attacked BUT He surrounded me
I was shamed BUT He did not put me to shame
I was wounded BUT He fought for me
I was humiliated BUT He held me
I was wronged BUT He defended me
I was ridiculed BUT He covered me
I was fearful BUT He gave me faith
I was in trouble BUT He was my fortress
I was stolen from BUT He restored me
I was heart broken BUT He made me whole
I was devastated BUT He caused me to triumph
I was crushed BUT He saved me
I was scared BUT He protected me
I was stabbed in the back BUT He always had my back


No power of hell or scheme of man can EVER pluck me from His hand. The devil is defeated, he is a liar. My God is not dead, He is alive, He's roaring like a lion and living on the inside of me. He has conquered the grave. I can sing, dance and smile because my God is bigger than any trial I face, He is greater than any pain I endure, He is stronger than any man who tries to harm me, He is for me when others seek to destroy me. He is the God of justice, freedom, mercy and grace. He has rescued me from the dangerous wiles of the enemy. He has resurrected the dead places in my life, restored and redeemed me. He is alive. He is with me and I can live life to the absolute fullest because He loves me, He came, He died and He rose again. I am an overcomer in Him. And my eternal destiny is secured. May my life bring Him Glory, always!

:-) xxx

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Lighthouses and stormy seas

It's funny because in England, everyone talks about the weather! It's the perfect conversation opener. They say, if you don't know what to say, talk about the weather. There's a lady in my neighbourhood that I walk past regularly, I don't really know her, we just say hello because we always walk down the same road, and most times we see each other, we say, "lovely day isn't it?" Or, "what a blustery day". Haha, it's kind of funny I guess. I began to wonder, why is it that we talk about the weather so much? Then I figured out why, it was a couple of weeks back when the sun was shining ever so beautifully, the sky was blue and it was a perfect day to put the washing on the line. Then, all of a sudden, out of the blue, the sky turned black, the clouds rolled in, the winds got up, and yes, the heavens opened and my nicely hung washing was now being saturated by the biggest rain drops! In England, the weather changes so much, and quite often when you are least expecting it. Sunshine days turn to stormy days in a matter of minutes, storms come out of the blue.

The changing weather in England is a bit like life really. You see, life isn't always easy is it? Things happen 'out of the blue'. Plans change, people change, life can be hard, and we face storms. We face things we didn't expect to go through, and things we didn't want to go through. We may be experiencing a sunshiny day and then boom, the storm hits and you are left being drenched by the raindrops that you just didn't see coming. Like a person frantically trying to get the washing in off the line, we can feel tossed too and fro, not knowing what's going on and not knowing how we will get out of this mess, or recover from this trauma.

There is a verse in Malachi 3:6, which says, "I am The Lord, I do NOT change". That is a promise for our lives. In a world that is so uncertain, season change, storms come, things change. We can have the rock solid assurance, that the God who holds the entire universe in His hands, HE DOES NOT CHANGE! :-)) He is constant. He is faithful. His love for us does not change.

Lighthouses are often seen on our coastline in England. They are there to guide ships in dangerous areas and to lead the, safely to shore. I wonder if you have ever felt like a ship in a dangerous are, hoping that someone will lead you safely to shore? I know I've been there before. Nd, when I was there, when I was tossed too and fro in troubled seas, feeling helpless and hopeless, God was my anchor, He was my lighthouse. Lighthouses are bright and they shine the way, they are safe and they are constant. Just like a Captain of a ship stuck out at sea can look to the lighthouse for safety and guidance, we too, can look to Jesus, our lighthouse, knowing that He will lead is safely to shore. We all go through seasons of storms, troubles and sorrows, and we can count on Jesus to be that light that guides us to safety. I know that God has done more than guide me to safety, He has rescued me and kept me from drowning.

Storms may be raging around us, but God can calm the storm IN us! I love that. You can be in a storm and it not affect you because of the power and presence of God living on the inside of you. The Bible tells us that "The One who is IN YOU is greater than the one who is in the world" 1 John 4:4.

He is constant. He is our rock. He is our strength. He is steadfast. He does not change. His love does not change. He is our preface in troubled seas.

No matter what we go through, we can know that God is not going to let us drown in the circumstances. He won't walk out on us.

Like us, the disciples of Jesus, in the Bible, often got into storms

"Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone, and the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it. Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”" (Matthew 14:22-33 NIV).

When we are lost and don't know where we are going, what direction our life is taking, we can trust that no matter where we are or what's going on, God WILL lead is safe to shore, if we cling to Him. We are going to get to the harbour and to the land. The waves will not overtake us. 

God wants us to see Him walking towards us on the water, He wants us to join Him. Like Peter, Jesus is telling us to "Come" to Him, and not to be afraid.

So whatever waves may be around you today, I encourage you to keep looking up, take your eyes off the storm and fix them in Jesus and you will see Him raise you up through something that you thought would take you under.

He is the God of the harbour, and the God of the storm, and He holds you through it all. Trust Him today, He will lead you to a safe and spacious and very beautiful place :-)

The best is yet to come, don't give up :-) xoxo

Friday, 3 October 2014

"Life is like a box of chocolates".... Or, is it?

Is life really like a box of chocolates? Do we not know what we are going to get? Or, do we?!

Last weekend I went away to the forest with a group of friends to stay in a log cabin. It was amazing. We were surrounded by beauty, sunshine, pine trees, owls twit twooing and we had a fridge full of yummy food, not to mention a bubbly hot tub on the decking! It was a tranquil place. 

After lots of forest walks, way too much time in the hot tub and copious amounts of food to eat, we found ourselves watching the movie "Forest Gump". I guess it seemed kind of fitting as we were in the forest! lol. Anyway, I always smile when I hear that famous quote in the movie when Forest recalls, "Mama said, life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get". It's true, life has this way of surprising us, sometimes in good ways and sometimes in bad ways. None of us know what the future holds, it is often uncertain. The wonderful thing, when we serve God, is that we know His plans for us are good and not for harm (Jeremiah 29:11), and we know that whatever we go through in life, He is always with us (Deuteronomy 31:8).

I began to think about the box of chocolates. The thing is, I am a complete chocoholic!! I love chocolate with a passion. And as far as I'm concerned, chocolate is one of God's great gifts to the earth, and I intend to enjoy it (the funny thing is I've just gone a whole month without chocolate for sugar free September, but now that's over, I'm ready to enjoy the delicious gift, that is CHOCOLATE!). I love chocolate so much, and am a well experienced chocolate consumer, that when someone offers me a box of chocolates, it doesn't take me too long to scan the box and know what is in the centre of each. I can spot the orange creams a mile off, they are only to be consumed in desperate times, like if they are the only ones in the box and you really need some chocolate. The Turkish delight are usually a square shape and the praline are normally in the shape of coffee bean, the nut ones are a complete give away as there is quite often roasted hazelnuts on the outside. All this talking about chocolate is making my mouth water right now, is anyone with me? ;)

So is life really like a box of chocolates? Do we honestly not know what we are going to get? Or do we?

Well, I know from my (short) life on the earth that some things come out of the blue, a shock, a 'I didn't see that one coming' moment, a 'I never would have believed that would ever happen' feeling. It's true, life is uncertain, and often unfair and sickness, disaster and trauma can come like a thief in the night, you may be tucked in bed safe and secure, then BAM! You're in the biggest storm of your life!

The Bible tells us that "What you sow you reap". I have known this to be soooo true in my life. You see, I know that whatever this life, this crazy world we live in throws at me, I know I can face anything, because I have a God who loves me, is with me and He is for me. I know where my roots are, I know who I am, I know whose I am, I know where I'm heading, and I know that NOTHING that I face will shake me, or move me, or cause me to be broken. How do I know all that? Well, I have a personal relationship with the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. My God walks beside me every day. He comforts me when I am sad, He shows me which path to take when I need to make a decision, He is with me when I feel alone, He gives me strength when I feel weak, He heals me when I am sick, He causes me to rise up in victory when others try to destroy me, He pours His favour upon me when I do the right thing. When I sow goodness, I reap a harvest of goodness. When I sow love, I reap love. When I sow friendship, I reap friendship. When I walk out my days for Him, when I walk in righteousness, integrity, truth and humility, when I live a pure and righteous life, when I do the right thing (even when the wrong thing is happening), I live free, and I live whole, and I live secure. You see, bad stuff may still happen, storms may come out of the blue, but if we are walking blameless before our God, we can be sure what's coming, and, what we are going to get! Freedom is ours, victory is ours, hope is ours, favour is ours, peace is ours, strength is ours, joy is ours, justice is ours.

Although we may not know what we are going to get in life, we can know what we are going to get with God in it. You really can face anything the world throws at you, and come through strong, when you walk with Him each day of your life.

In life there are so many things beyond our control. But also, there are so many things in our control. We can choose joy, despite the sorrow. We can control what comes out of our mouth, when we may want to say something bad. we can choose how we spend our money. We can choose how we spend our time, or, how we waste our time. We can choose who to be friends with, and who not to be. We can choose our attitude, good or bad. we can choose to love, choose to give, choose to serve, choose to believe. 

I'm not afraid of tomorrow, because I know that as I keep choosing to live a life of integrity, I will reap blessing, even in the midst of troubled times. I know that I will not be shaken, because my life is rooted in the unshakeable Word of God. Life is like a box of chocolates, but I DO know what I'm going to get, because, when you have a rock solid assurance of the power and presence of God in your life, NOTHING that comes to destroy you will stand, and you will reap a harvest of blessing, even in the seasons of shock and sorrow.

My prayer is that we wouldn't be afraid of the future, but that we would walk tall with our Creator, knowing that He holds our days in His hands and He is with us and for us and leading us on to victory!! :-) 

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Mind The Gap!!

Recently I was in London visiting a good friend of mine. I love London, it's a great city. There's so much history to soak in, so many people to watch, massive amounts of food to enjoy... And then there's the traffic! Ugh, if it wasn't for the London traffic and the crazy London driving, it would be an even better place. But, the cool thing about London, is that to avoid the ridiculous amounts of grid locked roads, they have an underground. Genius idea! Now, if you've ever visited London, you most certainly would have experienced the London Underground. A fast railway system, under ground, enabling multiple passengers to get from A to B, and complete their journeys faster than they would have if they drove around the city.

There is a term that is associated with the London Underground, and it is so well known that its been printed on t.shirts, key rings, coasters and posters. The term is "Mind the Gap". Sometimes, you may even hear "Please, mind the gap"!

I remember going to London as a child and going on the underground. I was scared, there were so many people, it was hot, and you'd turn a corner, and almost get blown over by the strong wind. But the thing that made me most nervous, back then, was the huge gap between the station platform and the train. As a little girl, the gap looked massive. Surely I would need a bridge to cross that?! I was a tiny little girl, and back then I had a lot of fears, so it didn't help when I saw a big sign that said "Mind the Gap". Especially when I realised the words were circled in bold red! I knew red meant danger.

We were created in the image of God, all of us, whether we believe it or not. [So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27 NLT]. God created us because He wanted to be in relationship with us. Therefore, until we invite Jesus Christ into our lives, there is a gap. A missing piece. So often when people come to know Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour, they realise that the hole that was in their heart has finally be filled. As humans, we don't like to admit that we have a missing piece to our lives. We so often portray the image that we are fine, our life is all together, "there's nothing wrong with me" mentality. 

The thing is, even after we have invited Jesus into our lives, we still go through stuff! Bad things happen to good people [far too often for my liking]. But part of life is walking through the bad times, as well as the good. We go through seasons, sometimes we may loose stuff, sometimes we get wounded, knocked down even, we may face abuse or betrayal, we may be surrounded by confusion and doubt, anxiety and insecurity. We go through a lot in life, and there is the potential for us to fill the 'gaps' with stuff. And when I mean 'gaps' I'm talking about the disappointments and broken places of our hearts. The areas that we like to keep hidden from the world, because at the end of the day, "we are fine thank you very much, and we don't need help". 

So often, in life, people begin to fill the 'gaps' with stuff. It may be alcohol, bad relationships, sex, drugs, video games, excess spending. Something's in life are not wrong, it's how and what we are using them for that is the problem. I've known people to self medicate with excessive amounts of alcohol, and excessive hours on violent video games, they are trying to fill the gaps of their life, fix the broken pieces of their heart, but doing this only creates more problems for their internal world. I have watched people who are lonely rush into marrying the wrong person, to find out five years and 3 children down the line that they are more lonely than ever. I've had friends who overspend and buy every new gadget that is ever created, trying to find fulfilment in life, only to find themselves in debt due to overspending. I've seen people become obsessive over the latest diet, offering to loose weight in record time, only to find themselves still depressed when they've met their goal for weight loss. As human beings, we need to be needed, we need to be completely know, and we need to be unconditionally loved. We can get so much satisfaction and enjoyment from healthy relationships and a healthy lifestyle, but in the end, the only thing and person that will completely meet all our needs, is Jesus.

"Mind the gap" is an audible or visual warning phrase issued to rail passengers to take caution while crossing the gap between the train door and the station platform. I believe that God is telling us to "mind the gap". I believe He says, "don't fill your life with stuff that is only temporary, things that have no value or importance, don't be fooled by get-rich-quick schemes, don't keep looking around you waiting for the next relationship, the job promotion, the next thing, instead, be content in Me. I want you to have fullness of life, but I want you to let Me have priority in your life. You'll only be able to achieve all that I have destined for you if you let Me be Lord of your heart, if you allow Me to meet all your needs, and fill all the gaps".

I wouldn't have been able to fight the battles I have fought, and come through the fire without being burnt, if Jesus was not the centre of my life. He is the One who fills my gaps. He meets all my needs, no human being can do that, and if we are expecting our job, our spouse, our bank account, or our family to completely fulfil us, then we're setting ourselves up for massive disappointments. God is the only one who can completely fill all the gaps in our life. He knows us better than anyone, He made us after all ;) 

So, whatever you are facing in life right now, I pray that you would be brave enough to invite God into every area of your life and every part of your heart. Let Him meet your needs and fill your gaps. I promise you, life will get better if you do. You will walk in a greater sense of purpose, you will experience freedom and wholeness in a way that makes you want to run faster. You will achieve more, love more, forgive more, give more, and live your life to the absolute fullest.

Please, mind the gap :-) xxx


Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Standing for what is right!

Now, who will want to harm you if you are eager to do good? But even if you suffer for doing what is right, God will reward you for it. So don’t worry or be afraid of their threats. Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. But do this in a gentle and respectful way. Keep your conscience clear. Then if people speak against you, they will be ashamed when they see what a good life you live because you belong to Christ. Remember, it is better to suffer for doing good, if that is what God wants, than to suffer for doing wrong! (1 Peter 3:13-17 NLT)

Do you ever read a verse in the bible, that you've read many times before, and then it jumps out at you and captures your heart in  new way? I read these verses this week, and I got so excited about the truth of them that I may have stood up and had a little praise party ;) God is so good and if we search the scriptures, and spend time reading them, He will reveal His Word to us. The more of His Word we read, the more we can rise up in faith, hope and victory, knowing that in a world where others are against us, He is always FOR us! I don't know about you, but that truth makes me want to jump up and down and celebrate!

Have you ever done the right thing and found yourself being cruelly treated for standing up for truth and righteousness? The devil is so vile and will use people to hurt you, accuse you, lie about you and try to knock the very core of who you are. Most people think that doing the wrong thing gets you into trouble, and mostly it does. But, so often we can get into trouble for doing what is RIGHT! 

There will be seasons when we go through attack from the enemy, God says we will. The great thing is that we can rebuke the devil, because, in Jesus, we have authority over the enemy.

No weapon formed against you shall prosper. God didn't say weapons wouldn't be formed against us, He said that will not prosper!

But, Did you know that when you suffer for doing the RIGHT THING , God will bless you? Suffering for righteousness brings a special blessing to the sufferer. 

When you have walked through the trial, with your head held high, when you've come through the fire, without being burnt and got to the otherside, you will be singing, you are still standing strong and now you are enjoying the blessing., because you did what was RIGHT :-) 

As much as you wouldn't have chosen to go through what you did, you'll be glad you did. Because you saw and experienced His glory, in a way that others have not experienced, because they didn't go through it. And now, you are experiencing His blessing!

I don't want to preach doom and gloom today. I know God offers us life to the full. But, I've been on the earth long enough to know that stuff happens. And you can be on your knees praying every prayer possible, praising God, but at some point or another, you will go through something. Somebody may die, you could get sick, you may loose your job or experience abuse and betrayal, an unexpected storm may come into your life.

But, in that thing that you are facing, I encourage you to ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, do that which is true and right. Obey God's word, don't give in to the devil tricks. Don't retaliate, don't fight back, don't join in with the lies, the gossip, the slander, don't entertain the things of darkness. But, keep your feet grounded on the TRUTH, keep your eyes open and on the TRUTH, keep your ears listening to TRUTH, keep your mouth speaking TRUTH, and keep your heart desiring and walking out TRUTH. And I promise you, you'll come through with your head held so high by God Almighty, you'll come through victorious, and you'll come through experiencing more blessings than you can contain, because, God blesses those who suffer for doing what is RIGHT! :-))

Now, go back and read those verses in 1 Peter again, because they are powerful!!