Thursday, 19 June 2014

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

"No matter what, once in your life, someone will hurt you. That someone will take all that you are and rip it to pieces, and they won't even watch where the pieces land. But through the breakdown, you'll learn something about yourself. You'll learn that you're strong and, no matter how hard they try to destroy you, you can conquer anyone." Sarah Jakes.

People say that, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger", in fact, it's even lyrics to a song. The truth is that if we knew before, what was sent to kill us, we would think it would! But it's when you are in the middle of a storm, that you realise what's in the middle of you.

When you are under attack, you fight like you've never fought before. When you life is in danger, God provides a place of safety. When you loose everything you own, you realise that everything you own is not what sustains you. When you go through the fire and go through the trial, when all you have left is breath in your lungs [& honestly, you don't know how you still have that], you realise that what is IN you is more powerful that what is around you.

Life is full of set backs, hardships, losses, trials and tribulations. But when all is said and done. It's what's left on the INSIDE OF YOU that counts.

When you live a life of integrity and honour. When your hope and trust is in God. When you walk in truth and righteousness. When you do the right thing when the wrong thing is happening. All hell can break loose in your life, they can try to destroy you, they can take away everything you own, they can lie about you, abuse you, mistreat you, violate you and use you. They can attack from more sides than you even thought possible. But if you just stand your ground. If you keep your eyes on Jesus. If you keep doing THE RIGHT thing. If you bite your tongue and shut your mouth. If you love when they hate. If you sing when you want to cry. If you choose to be a victor rather than a victim. If you'll run into Gods arms and trust His sovereignty. He will scatter your enemies and enable you to walk in victory. He will give you a sound mind. He will fill your heart with peace. He will be your defender. He will vindicate you. He will protect you.

Sometimes life throws us a mighty blow. But if you keep your eyes on your mighty and magnificent God. If you set your face before Him, determined to do His will. You will come out with MORE on the INside of you than you ever realised you could contain. He will bless your mind. He will bless your spirit. He will bring restoration to all the broken pieces of your heart. It may be a journey, but He will bring Great Glory out of the ruins of your life.

When the ones who were meant to have your back start stabbing you in the back, it's hard to know who [and where] your real friends are. But when the ones who were meant to love and protect you are no longer there, God brings people into your life to care for you that you never thought possible.

Don't ever let anyone steal your peace or your joy. Don't let anyone cause you to loose your faith. Stand your ground. Fight your fight. Keep doing what is right.

They can take everything from you, but no one, no man, no woman and no demon in hell can EVER separate you from the love of God! Ever!!

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