I love it when you read a quote from someone, and they articulate something into language, that completely describes what you have known in your heart, but couldn't find the words to explain.
This week I read this quote from Todd White, "Once you realise you are ACCEPTED in the beloved, you'll never feel rejection by people. Why? Because nobody on this planet can ever take away what they didn't give you".
WOW! Selah - pause and think about that. Now read the quote again.
Have you ever felt rejected? Betrayed? Used? Have you ever felt like you're not good enough? Not wanted? Or squashed down because the ones who should accept you, decide they don't want to? Life happens to us all, people can change, they can let us down, and, make accusations to cover their own wrongdoings and keep up appearances.
I was thinking about my life, and times when the world may look at me and label me, "rejected". I've also been looking into my heart and wondering why, although I've experienced great pain, abuse and betrayal, why in it, I have never actually felt rejected? Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to pretend things haven't happened to us all, or make light of the pain of our experiences, but when we live a life trusting God, it's normal for Christians to go through the fire without being burnt, because we have the power of the Holy Spirit in us. And so, our lives should look and feel very different to the world.
Thanks to Todd White and his revelation of God's Word, this week, I answered my own question. "Why in the greatest rejection, did I not feel rejected?"
It's because I KNOW who I am and where my ACCEPTANCE comes from :-)
Rejection is not from God. It's from the enemy. The devil is the only one who is rejected! He is cut off. Under our feet. He is defeated and powerless. The thing is, he knows he is rejected and because his plan is to to kill, steal and destroy us, he wants to speak his mindset into our lives and allow us to believe the lie that we are rejected too.
If you believe you are rejected, you are believing a lie! I'm not talking about feeling like you are rejected, that's different. Feelings come and go. Feelings are not fact. Feelings are a direct result of our thought life.
But, as Todd says, if we realise we are ACCEPTED by God, and HE IS THE ONE WHO GIVES US ACCEPTANCE, TOTAL ACCEPTANCE, then nobody on the planet can ever take away what they never gave us.
I guess I'm trying to say that despite what happens to me in life, I can't be rejected by people, because it is God who gives me my acceptance. He accepts me totally, the good, the bad and the ugly. His love for me is unconditional and eternal.
I'm NOT rejected, I AM accepted! Haha, the enemy is such a looser, he can try to destroy, but, if our lives are rooted firmly in the mighty power of Jesus Christ, that pathetic looser of a devil can NEVER do any permanent damage in our lives. If we would audaciously walk in what God has done FOR US, and not be defined by what has happened to us, oh how our lives, families and churches would live differently!!!
I've seen too much of God's power at work in my own life not to be bold enough to walk in complete victory, wholeness and freedom :-) Rubbish still happens, but it does not define me. I don't take ownership of it. It does NOT change my identity, but rather it draws me closer to my Redeemer and brings me through the fire, pure as GOLD! :-)
I am NOT rejected, and neither are YOU!!! :-)
Wow amazing I just wrote a blog post on the exact same thing yesterday. Xxx